Stories of strength

For over 15 years, TYSABRI has helped people take on their relapsing multiple sclerosis (MS). In fact, 84% of people are extremely satisfied with treatment.* Watch below as we celebrate the fighting spirit of people facing relapsing MS with the help of TYSABRI.

*97 people taking TYSABRI took a 10-point scale satisfaction survey on efficacy, safety, dosing, cost, quality of life (QoL), support services, and more. 81 reported overall treatment satisfaction of equal to or greater than 8 on a 10-point scale, where 10 is extremely satisfied.

A fighting legacy

Watch a neurologist and a group of fighters discuss long-term treatment with TYSABRI.

Rising Up

Nicole rises up and perseveres in the face of relapsing MS and any other challenges that come her way.

Grace, Gratitude & Getting Through It

Learn how gratitude guides Rosario through her toughest relapsing MS moments.

A Father’s Determination

After treating with TYSABRI for over 10 years, Gene is the same determined father he was before his diagnosis.

Considering TYSABRI

The TYSABRI Spirit

The TYSABRI Experience